Pielāgojams lifta risinājums dzīvojamām vai komerciālām ēkām.
Projektējiet sava lifta kabīni tiešsaistē. Izvēlieties kādu no KONE piedāvātajām interjera kolekcijām vai izmantojiet mūsu plašo apdares materiālu un aksesuāru klāstu, lai izveidotu kabīni pats.
Plānošanas un dizaina izstrādes posmā, ietaupiet laiku, izmantojot iespēju radīt liftu tiešsaistē. Izveidojot gan detalizētu specifikāciju, gan BIM mpdeļiem pielāgotus CAD zīmējumus.
The KONE Design Collection is a versatile set of inspiring elevator car interiors that have been created by our award-winning design team. Choose a complete interior from one of the collection’s contemporary design themes, or create your own unique look and feel by mixing and matching our wide range of materials and accessories. And where accessibility is a high priority, we also offer interiors compliant with the EN81-70 accessibility code.
Smart, flexible solutions that every modern building should include to improve user experience and building management
All elevators handed over after 1 September 2017 must be compliant to the new EN81-20 and EN81-50 codes. Find out more about the implications to your project.
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